I've been thinking of updating the sets that I offer. I haven't changed the single color sets since I started- and I made about 200 colors. Now that the line is 350 colors maybe it is time. This is one option that I have been considering for the blues. My original set was a range of 5 of 5 different blues. Now I am thinking of changing that somewhat, bringing in a couple of new colors. One would be the #514 which is a very dark navy blue, almost black. Another would be my #4 a very cool bluish white. The numbers for the set above are: 514, 540, 340, 641, 510 / 520, 341, 80, 430, 140 / 521, 343, 81, 431, 221 / 522, 344, 82, 433, 142 / 4, 524, 84, 434, 144 .

Here is a picture of my current set. The numbers in this set are: 80-84 / 430-434 / 340-344 / 540-544/ 520-524 . Any thoughts about this? Some other suggestions?
Teals or blue-green, and blue-violets? It's hard to get a nice range of teal.
That could be an interesting set in itsself. The #520's are about as red as blue can get without being violet but maybe a very blue violet before it becomes blue...huh.
Suppose I could do the same with the green side of it also.
Karl, That top set is gorgeous, and I love that 514! I need this set! Just had someone ask me my recommendation for a blues set this morning so I sent them the link to this page. Paula
I knew I should have stayed away from this blog. . . HA HA
I was just using your pastels and yes, my blues are lacking! I, too, would love to see a few blue/violet hues, darks and lights, I seem to use them more often than I thought.
Also, I scrolled down and saw the greys and the BLACK! That appears to be another set . . .
Thank goodness Christmas is coming and I have yet to show my wish list!
Take care. I love my pastels.
I have been using an xacto blade to put in powder all these old so hard pastels like the Grumbachers, the Rembrandt, some Conté and even some very old Faber I accumulated over the years. That allowed me mixes of colors using my hands and some improvised tools to draw.
Than I discovered the Sennelier which were a marvellous and some years later the fantastic Schminke, until I discovered yours in art supply store in Montreal that now closed down. I find your website so much fun and alive and it made me conscious of the danger of breeding cadmium and cobalt etc….
I look forward to use your pastels with great pleasure.
Suzanne Olivier
Ormstown Qc
Maybe you could do BOTH sets of blues and call the original Summer Blues and the new one Winter blues (it looks like it has some nice ranges of violets for beautiful winter lake scenes with the darks for shadows and depth, and I can almost feel the chill of the snow just looking at the set. Melanie McCarter
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